This was a very interesting evening. I did not get out of it what I wanted. I thought
it was going to be different. I did not realize that it was going to be about a theory that is thought of nationally,
and possibly world wide. I thought that we were going to be having a speaker that was going to talk about the different
races in a classroom, and how white students are treated different. After all we are future educators. I was wanting
to have information about different racial perspectives, and how they were going to relate in the classroom. I was also
hoping that I was going to have examples of how to conduct a classroom with diversity.
Ricky Lee Allen had some interesting points that he was sharing with us about how white people
are looked upon. It is sometimes difficult to think about white people and the racism that is not bestowed upon them,
when you are white, and have seen racism put on you or someone you know. It is hard to be open-minded. I really
try to be open about different people's views, and opinions, however when you REALLY do not see eye to eye with the speaker
it becomes difficult.
I do not know if I would have been able to enjoy it more if I was a different race, but I do
not believe that my opinion would change much. I feel that we as educated adults realize that there is racism, but understand
that we need to move on. I believe that we are in an age that we are aware of what is present, and we have to accept
it. While we are accepting it we need to realize that different races are going to have different needs, and we
need to be accepting to it. I feel that I am open to different races, and I try not be close-minded towards any
I realize that Ricky Lee Allen has done much research about this subject area. I believe
that he has a lot of knowledge about this. If I was to see him again, I would be more educated and know the subject
area better. This would enable me to enjoy his presentation more.